[snip] If you actually want to load a different image each time, start with php.net/rand Perhaps the image names could be integer based, or you could oad the image paths into an array and use rand to select based on a numeric key. Or you could store the image paths in a mysql database and use mysql's RAND to select an image path for display. The possibilities are endless, but seeing this is a php list I won't mention J...s....t :-) [/snip] Script That Shall Not Be Named! Selecting a random image from a directory using only PHP is not tremendously difficult; /*random picture picker*/ define ("ALBUM", "the/place/where/pictures/are/kept"); $albumOpen = opendir(ALBUM); while(FALSE !== ($pic = readdir($albumOpen))){ $picParts = explode(".", $pic); if("jpg" === $picParts[1]){ $arrDisplayPic[] = $pic; } } closedir($albumOpen); $randImgIndex = rand(0, (count($arrDisplayPic)-1)); /* test for the image size and reformat if needed, * in this case one 350 px wide */ $imgInfo = getimagesize(ALBUM.$arrDisplayPic[$randImgIndex]); if("350" <= $imgInfo[0]){ echo "<img src=\"" . ALBUM.$arrDisplayPic[$randImgIndex] . "\" width=\"350\" align=\"right\" hspace=\"10\" vspace=\"10\">"; } else { echo "<img src=\"" . ALBUM.$arrDisplayPic[$randImgIndex] . "\" align=\"right\" hspace=\"10\" vspace=\"10\">"; } -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php