No it is not empty. But I think I found the bug in the bugtracker...
Sorry, but with such a bug in the feature nobody can use it. Even if I
am able to fix it on my local machine (but actually I was not able to do
so until now), whats about my webspace? Maybe I do not have access to
the console, so I cannot exchange any libs...
The prepared statements are definitely a nice-to-have, but under this
conditions, stay away from them!
I will use mysqli_real_escape_string, like I have done with the old
functions and just hope for some slight improve in performance ... but I
think not even this is given with the new extension.
Sorry, but I have not seen much of the "improved" in the functions
(beside OOP ^^).
Best Regards, Ulrich
chris smith schrieb:
On 7/1/06, gg15 <gg15@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I wanted to use the prepared statements of mysqli, but the following
problem occured:
If I just use one parameter everything works fine
$prep = $this->mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO guestbook (Von, Datum)
VALUES (?, NOW())');
$prep->bind_param('s', $this->Von);
but if I try to use two
$prep = $this->mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO guestbook (Von, Betreff,
Datum) VALUES (?, ?, NOW())');
echo $prep->param_count; // echos 2
$prep->bind_param('ss', $this->Von, $this->Betreff);
I get an error
Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param() : Number of variables doesn't
match number of parameters in prepared statement in ...
Is $this->Betreff empty? I wonder if its having issues with an empty var..
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