Hi Adam,
Thank for your input.
However search and replace the value such as
<![CDATA[ù?¸ü÷ú"<ù?àù?ØZ4ÀÏ]]> to empty string ? Try the
code below , no successful.
$xmlfile = "/home/gvintranet/datacraft/htdocs/properties/test_cdata.xml";
$xml = file_get_contents($xmlfile);
$xml =
'<HardwareVersion><\/HardwareVersion>', $xml);
fwrite(fopen($xmlfile, 'wb'), $xml);
- weetat
Adam Zey wrote:
weetat wrote:
Hi all,
I need to read xml file before it was parsed by PHP DOM functions.
The xml file have some encrypted value as shown below :
Anybody have any suggestion how to do it ?
- weetat
$xmlfile = file_get_contents("http://urloffile.com/filename.xml");
I mean, that is what you asked, how to read the xml file...
Regards, Adam Zey.
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