Alex Major wrote:
Hi there list.
Thanks for your help with my other questions.
I was carrying on working through, and stumbled across a problem when trying
to times something by the 'power' of something. By this I maths you
can write 3 * (2 ^ 3), the answer to which would be 24. (as 2 ^ 3 = 8).
The reason that I need this, is because I'm trying to double a variable x
amount of times (x is set by another variable).
For example my code is:
$cost = $farm_cost * (2 ^ $farm_level);
Any ideas how I would go about changing my calculation, as php dosn't seem
to recognise ^ meaning 'to the power of'.
... The manual is your friend. Seriously, don't come here looking for
all the answers before you checked the manual. I searched for "power",
and the first result was the function you want. RTFM.
Regards, Adam Zey.
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