Good afternoon and salutations denizens of the greatest list generated by electrons! I have a situation where I am trying to commit a transaction in Oracle with PHP as follows; $udGeocode = oci_parse($conn, "UPDATE CONT_ADDRESS SET GEOCODE = '".$geocode[0]."' WHERE CONTRACT_ID = '".$row[0]."' AND POSTAL_CODE = '".$ROW[1]."' AND ADDRESS_TYPE = 'S'"); oci_execute($udGeocode, OCI_DEFAULT); // commit $committed = oci_commit($conn); if (!$committed) { $error = oci_error($conn); echo 'Commit failed. Oracle reports: ' . $error['message']; } else { echo ' Commit succeeded'; } The commit returns as successful, but it is not successful in the database itself. Am I missing something here? I have RTFM on oci_execute and oci_commit and cannot find anything..... Thanks! -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: