Dave M G wrote:
PHP List,
Very frequently I use mysql_fetch_row in a while statement to
while($variable = mysql_fetch_row($mysqlResult)){
echo $variable[text1];
echo $variable[text2];
Pretty standard.
But what do I do when I want to do the same kind of while loop not with
a MySQL result, but with just a regular array?
while (variable = ????($array)){
echo $variable[text1];
echo $variable[text2];
I've been up and down the manual, and looked at foreach statements and
functions like each(), but I can't seem to zero in on what I need.
Can anyone let me know what it is I'm missing?
Thank you for any advice.
Dave M G
If we "translate" a mysql resultset to an array notation, you would have:
restultset[1][text1] = a;
restultset[1][text2] = b;
restultset[2][text1] = c;
restultset[2][text2] = d;
restultset[3][text1] = e;
restultset[3][text2] = f;
Thus, going trough it with a foreacht:
foreach(resultset as $key=>$val) {
echo $val[text1];
will give you the same result as the original loop construct you did
with while() (assuming an array resultset for purposes of demonstration).
foreach($mysqlResultSet as $variable) {
echo $variable[text1];
echo $variable[text2];
is what you're probably after though. Might I suggest reading the manual
about foreach (and especially array) construct again please? very
carefuly preferably, as it seems you're missing quite a lot of insight
there :)
- tul
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