Andrei wrote:
Since you query all enregs from table why not query all first and
the do mysql_data_seek on result?
// Query to show
$query_rsData = "SELECT * FROM {table} ORDER BY {Whatever field}";
$rsData = mysql_query($query_rsData, $DB_CONECTION);
$num_total_records = mysql_num_rows( $rsData );
$total_pag = ceil($num_total_records / $NUM_RECORDS);
if( $pag < 1 )
$pag = 1;
elseif( $pag > $total_pag )
$pag = $total_pag;
$start_enreg = ($pag-1) * $NUM_RECORDS;
@mysql_data_seek( $rsData, $start_enreg );
while( ($result = mysql_fetch_object( $rsData )) )
// display data...
Querying all data in the first place is a waste, and the practice of
seeking through a dataset seems silly when MySQL has the "LIMIT" feature
to specify which data you want to return.
I believe the proper way to do this would be something like this
(Simplified example, of course):
$query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_FOWS * FROM foo LIMIT 30, 10";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$query = "SELECT found_rows()";
$num_rows = mysql_result(mysql_query($query), 0);
That should be much faster than the methods used by either of you guys.
As a comment, it would have been better to do "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foo"
and reading the result rather than doing "SELECT * FROM foo" and then
mysql_num_rows(). Don't ask MySQL to collect data if you're not going to
use it! That actually applies to why you shouldn't use mysql_data_seek
Regards, Adam.
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