I used many functions as template to change the html syntax.
this is one of the function as a sample:
function tabletag($border="0",$width="100%",$height="100%",$cellpadding =
print ("<table width=\"$width\" height =\"$height\" border=\"$border\"
cellspacing=\"$cellspacing\" cellpadding=\"$cellpadding\"
so I don't need to type "<table ....>", just call those functions.
and I don't think it works slowly (cause we just set one function for many
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Major" <alex.major@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:37 AM
Subject: Using PHP/HTML effectivly
Hi List,
I've been (very slowly) working my way through some basic php, and
putting it into my html site. However recently (after trying things out
as cookies or redirects where they have to be set before any page output)
I've found that the combination or certainly the way that I'm using php
html together dosn't seem to go too well.
I have a question to you experienced PHP developers, how do you mix the
html/php together. When I've looked at things like the PHPBB forums, and
gone through files they will have absolutly no HTML, just php code. I'm
sure how they manage their page styling, if anyone could explain this too
At the moment I have things such as
<table ...>
Some php code making a page header
<table ...>
I'm sure that I'm not doing it the best possible way, so if anyone has any
tips for me.
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