Sometimes unexpected errors happen. We write hundreds of lines of code a day. Typos happen, I forget some includes, I type $d->appendCild() instead of $d->appendChild(). It's all a part of the development process. Our application makes extensive use of AJAX and JSON. Sometimes we make an AJAX request and expect a JSON object in return, but instead a fatal error happens (DOMDocument::appendChid() does not exist), well now we get a JSON error because the response headers were messed up by the fatal error. That JSON error is useless. We would rather see the real error as PHP would have reported it on a simple webpage or command line. Basically, we just want to trap all errors and reraise them as exceptions so that our app's default exception handler can report them.
I read what you said and understand where you are coming from, but if you call a function and it doesn't exist, your script is going to die. The only thing you can do is just tail your error log and write unit tests to make sure your stuff is working right. If you are on a local machine just keep an eye on your php error log on each request and you will see the full error message if log errors is turned on. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: