Jochem Maas schrieb:
Barry wrote:
Jochem Maas schrieb:
> I find a switch statement sometimes handy for creating a 'truth table'
like you describe (I sometimes find it easier to read and/or add 'if'
switch (true) {
case ($grandmaAge >= $tableAge):
case ($grandmaAge < $houseAge):
case ($grandmaAge == array_sum($grandKids)):
functionally the above could just as well be an if statement - it's
pretty much
a question of personal preference.
Yeah true, it is better to view.
Is it the same as the if i stated? (the grandma one)
the example I gave does this:
iif any of the case expressions (they can be arbitrary statements of which the
complexity is up to you - as long as they return a boolean) equates to true then
you bake a cookie OTHERWISE (the default ;-) you drink beer and watch footy - which
given your german email address is rather apt right now :-P
I believe that is what you grandma example was aiming at
(I used artistic license with the beer and football part :-).
Well not if "any". The have "all" to be true :)
Well i don't want the grandma to be not as old as the table and older
than the house age and still baking a cookie.
Only if all cases stated are true, i want to bake a cookie :)
( Yeah the wm is up and running ;) )
f*** 'short' the time taken to write a line is negligable compared to the
time taken to maintain, reread, change, enhance and/or adapt it.
Surely true but writing short doesn't have to mean to write unreadable
IF ($grandma >= $tableage
AND < $houseage
AND== array_sum($grandkids)
something like that (theoretically)
try to think in terms of maintainability and readability - and of course
performance (the length of a line of code says very little, if anything,
about it's performance) - jmho.
Yeah it's not a performance issue its more like having to code a lot
less than ATM "with" having the same readability as now.
Just shorter :)
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