Hello *, I am on over 100 Mailinglists and want to make my archive (monthly tarbals) public availlable. my problem is, that they are around 20 GByte compressed archives and I want to prevent peoples to suck the whole archive at once... I was trying several things but failed. Does anyone have a code sniplet which limit clients to, e.g. four downloads, per day? I think, I must use a database or something like this, because I must track th IP, date, time, and the used download client... I think, downloads limiting by creating accounts with passwords will not help since spamer can create Yahoo or Hotmail accounts faster than you can stop it... Or should I pass the downloads via this nifty PIC/IMAGE verification, where $USER must type in the numbers/letters created by a php script? Greetings Michelle Konzack -- Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##################### Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886 50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi 0033/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com) -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php