sam a écrit :
$str='bass "electric organ" bagpipes';
$query="SELECT * FROM table WHERE tb_instr = "bass"
> AND tb_instr = "electric organ" //<<quoted phrase
> AND tb_instr = "bagpipes";
Anybody know where I can just copy code that will do the above?
you wish to split $str and keep what's between the " intact ?
you can split with spaces, then parse the array and treat difefrently if
the first
character of your element is a ".
$query = "SELECT *FROM table WHERE ";
$array = split ($str," ");
foreach ($array as $element)
{ // "element
if ( substr($element,0,1) == "\"" )
{ $quoted_element = $element;
// element"
elseif ( substr($element,strlen($element)-1,1) == "\"" )
{ $query .= "tb_instr = \"".$quoted_element." ".$element."\" AND ";
$quoted_element = "";
// element after "element
elseif ($quoted_element != "" )
{ $quoted_element .= " ".$element;
{ $query .= "tb_instr = \"".$element."\" AND ";
// remove the last AND
// please check if 4 or 5 characters to remove, 5 should be fine
$query = substr ($query,0,strlen($query)-5);
print $query;
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