Well, if I understood correctly, and the IP's first 3 segments are all
of the same length, the you could do something like this (MySQL)
SUBSTRING(ip, 1, 11) AS ip,
COUNT(1) AS cantidad
FROM tabla
Now, if you don't intend to do this in SQL, then you could try some of
the other suggestions.
Rob W. wrote:
Ok, Here is my next problem.
Inside my database, I have a list of ip's of about 10 blocks all the way though 255 along with though
255 and though 255 and soforth
My problem is, is i'm trying to figure out a pattern to match so I
can count how many ip's are in each block and display them.
So far what I have gotten is a stristr match but it's not working
correctly. I have a variable that basically weed's out the last
digits of the ip it's self from help previously
So my code so far is:
if (stristr($block,$address)) { $count_ip++; }
$block would == 192.168.100 $address would == - 255
Any help would be appricated.
Atentamente / Sincerely,
J. Rafael Salazar Magaña
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