Martin Alterisio schrieb:
is it really worthy the functionality supplied with the string ++ operator
as it is? I don't see its usefullness yet.
guess you want to order something by "name" not by number which might be
false in some cases (1,10,2,20,21 ... and so on).
There it might be useful.
Well i don think it is wrong behavior in that way.
because having looping from a till z you wil get "aa" after z so that
means aa is "higher" as z internally.
but looping till "aa" dont brings out a-z like you get a-y when you loop
till z (remember: for $i = a; $i <= z; $i++ gives the chars a-yz z right
followed by "aa")
Well if you implement something like that into a programming language it
should at least have some kind of logic behavior. Don't you think?
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