tedd wrote:
At 1:09 PM -0700 6/4/06, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
I agree with [1] and [2], but [3] is where we part company. You see, if you are right, then "aaa" would also be less than "z", but that doesn't appear so.
Of course it is.
php -r 'echo "aaa" < "z";'
You missed the point, why does --
for ($i="a"; $i<="z"; $i++)
-- not continue past "aaa"? Clearly, if "aaa" is less than "z" then why does the loop stop at "yz"?
I thought I explained that a few times. The sequence is:
a b c ... x y z aa ab ac ... yx yy yz za zb zc ... zy zx zz aaa aab
Your loop stops at yz and doesn't get anywhere near aaa because za > z
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