Jochem Maas wrote:
also take a look here:
yes it's meant to be used, yes you can use it in production BUT your
a little on the bleeding edge (not very many people using it full on) AND
the whole of SPL is still a little in flex (as is php5->php6 in
general) so
that you may be forced, occasionally, to adapt your code to changes (e.g.
constants that were formally used in SPL are now class constants.)
Wow, this is some magical stuff. Here is my function in case it's of use:
* Magical SPL code to recursively list files in a directory
public static function get_paths_recursive($start_path) {
$paths = array();
$rdi = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($start_path);
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi) as $path) {
array_push($paths, (string) $path);
return $paths;
This iterates over objects like arrays, casts objects as strings, and
iterators. All sorts of fun and joy enough to make your head spin.
Seems to
work, though ;-)
Thanks for the wiki doc link, Jochem.
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