Ryan A wrote:
Hey Chris,
SELECT curtime( ) + INTERVAL 60 minute
is giving me null, has anybody else faced this? if
how did you solve this?
What does
select curtime();
give you?
It gives me the correct time, eg:
Make sure that's valid before trying to add to it..
Yep, checked that, it is.
Could also try:
select now() + interval 1 hour;
should come back the same (I think anyway).
No, this works, its gives me back
2006-05-31 04:23:56
but I only need the time part not the date part thats
why i am using curtime().
Ah. Yes.
Might be quicker for you to ask on a mysql mailing list :)
I tried a couple of different things looking at the mysql page
but couldn't come up with a proper solution.
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