Ok, I have modified my code a little bit. Stut, yes, output buffering
was on by default (4096). I *think* this will work. It appears to be
the same as before - still redirecting appropriately:
<!-- index.php -->
<? ob_start(); ?>
include ($subPage);
The subpage does not change any, only index.php. I am basically
"holding off" on displaying the stuff between ob_start() and
ob_end_flush(), unless it's header information. That way, if the
subpage needs to redirect, it can without errors. Correct?
Thanks to all for your help!
On May 30, 2006, at 11:37 AM, Stut wrote:
Philip Thompson wrote:
As you can see, by the time that index.php includes the subpage,
it has already outputted HTML. According to using the header()
function, you are not allowed to output any HTML *before* using
header(). However, I am doing this and it is redirecting fine.
I have hypothesized why it is still redirecting appropriately...
*subpage.php* has not outputted HTML before it does the check,
only index.php, so it does not fail. Is this correct? Any help
is appreciated. It appears to work fine, but I don't want to be
surprised in the future by my application breaking suddenly!! =D
Check phpinfo and see if you have output buffering on by default.
If you do, that's why and you shouldn't rely on it being that way.
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