Re: More about converting text strings

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Are you sure you're not including the BOM? (byte-order-mark)
If you are, PHP doesn't understand it, and thus just outputs it. Thus creating output, thus creating problems with headers for you. (so don't use BOM)
- tul

Jonas Rosling wrote:

While I'm using UTF-8 as char set in my documents JavaScript messages works
correct with none international characters. But not the PHP code with
session_start(). I get the following error message:

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent
by (output started at /var/www/html/index3.php:1) in
/var/www/html/index3.php on line 2

But if I set the char set to Latin 1 the error message doesn't show. But
then the none internationl characters in the JavaScript messages doesn't
show as they should.

Thought I should explain my self a little bit more.

// Jonas
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