Hi all, I am writing an app that runs a prize draw, wherein the admin chooses the duration by adding a start date and number of days for the draw to run. These values are passed into a small function that generates an array holding the start date, end date and all dates in between as follows: function generateDates($first, $duration) { $dates = array(); $date = getdate(mktime($first)); $month = $date['mon'];$day = $date['mday'];$year = $date['year']; for ($i = 1;$i <= $duration; $i++) { $added = getdate(mktime($day++ . "-" . $month . "-" . $year)); $dates[] = $added['mday'] . "-" . $added['mon'] . "-" . $added['year']; } return $dates; } $series = generateDates('23-05-2006', 20); var_dump($series); ...when I var_dump the array the iteration stops at May 24 - I am looking into it but does anyone have any ideas why this is sticking ie is my date arithmetic wrong? Cheers. -- http://www.web-buddha.co.uk dynamic web programming from Reigate, Surrey UK (php, mysql, xhtml, css) look out for project karma, our new venture, coming soon!