Hi! Using Apache 2, MySQL ver. 4.0.15a, PHP 4.2.3 (NW6.5 sp1 - Netware \ Novell ). I'm developing PHP files with Dreamweaver8 (Adobe-Macromedia). Trying to view a file (quote_insert.php) in a browser, it displays at: http://www.kalmanovitz.co.il/DW8_PHP_MySQL_tutorial/admin/quote_insert.php the following warning \ error: Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/admin/quote_insert.php on line 1 Fatal error: Failed opening required '../Connections/seasonAdmin.php' (include_path='.;sys:/php/includes') in Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/admin/quote_insert.php on line 1 while line 1 is: <?php require_once('../Connections/seasonAdmin.php'); ?> If I'm changing the l ine 1 to: <?php require_once('Connections/seasonAdmin.php'); ?> without the ../ characters and copy the quote_insert.php file to DW8_PHP folder it works OK. How can I solved the problem without removing the ../ and moving the file? I changed the PHP file to begin with the following code (added paths to every directory \ folder that is involved):.
Now the PHP file to begin with the following code: <?php echo nl2br("Original include path:\n"); echo ini_get('include_path').nl2br("\n\n"); ini_set('include_path',ini_get('include_path').';Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/admin;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/Connections;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/'); echo nl2br("New include path:\n"); echo ini_get('include_path').nl2br("\n"); require_once('Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/Connections/seasonAdmin.php'); ?> You can see the display at http://www.kalmanovitz.co.il/DW8_PHP /admin/quote_insert.php The displayed warning \ error message says: Original include path: .;sys:/php/includes New include path: .;sys:/php/includes;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/admin;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/Connections;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/ Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/admin/quote_insert.php on line 8 Fatal error: Failed opening required 'Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/Connections/seasonAdmin.php' (include_path='.;sys:/php/includes;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/admin;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/Connections;Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/') in Applic:/HTDocs/DW8_PHP/admin/quote_insert.php on line 8 Can anyone see \ find what is wrong? TIA Nanu Nanu Kalmanovitz Technologies Tel.: 972-3-5523542 Celular: 050-5843879 Kalmanovitz Bros. computerization promotion Ltd. P.O.Box 3434 Holon 58133 Israel www.kalmanovitz.co.il |
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