Jay Paulson (CE CEN) wrote:
what happens when you do:
foreach ($xml->RES->R as $key => $r) {
echo $r->__toString();
// or
echo $key;
That actually works. Strange because I tried this method first yesterday
and spent over an hour trying to get it to work and now it's working? AH!
:) Below is the code I use.
foreach ($xml->RES->R as $key => $r) {
echo $r->U.'<br>';
echo $r->UD.'<br>';
echo $r->UE.'<br>';
echo $r->T.'<br>';
echo $r->RK.'<br>';
echo $r->S.'<br>';
echo $r->LANG.'<br>';
echo '<hr>';
hey would you look at that - another happy punter guided by pure guess work :-)
(I still not any nearer to grokking simpleXML)
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