I am a bit new to Objects and Recursion
Any push in the right direction is appreciated
Generated from Pear's mimedecode, I have an object whose print_r is:
The function below will correctly traverse the object and find the
'correct' node.
Unfortunately, it is a little beyond my understanding at present. :(
Is there a way to debug the below function to echo how it is
traversing the object ?
For example, how would I echo the key names and values while it is
traversing ?
The hope is that something will click and I'll finally wrap my brain
around this
many thanks
function getBody(&$part, $primary = 'text', $secondary = 'plain')
$body = false;
if (is_array($part)) {
foreach($part as $subpart) {
if (! $body = getBody($subpart, $primary, $secondary)) {
} else {
return $body;
} else {
if (isset($part->parts)) {
return getBody($part->parts, $primary, $secondary);
} else {
if ($part->ctype_primary == $primary && $part->ctype_secondary ==
$secondary) {
return $body;
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