In case any one is looking for a solution to a similar problem as me, here is the answer. I used the code from my original post as my guiding light, and with some experimentation, I figured it out. To get any URL, regardless of where it is located, use this: preg_match_all("#\'http://(.*)\'#U", $content, $matches); This match anything similar to: '' This is useful, if for example, you have a tag like this one: <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" ONCLICK=" = '';"> Now, for tags which are in quotes, rather than single quotes, just use: preg_match_all("#\"http://(.*)\"#U", $content, $matches); This is really only the first step. In order to be useful, you need a way to process these urls according to your own specific needs: preg_match_all("#\'http://(.*)\'#U", $content, $matches); $content = preg_replace("#\'http://(.*)\'#U", '###URL###', $content); This will modify the $content variable to change all urls to ###URL### You can then go through them one at a time to process them: for ($count = 0; $count < count($matches[1]); $count++) -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: