Hi there!
When I upload a picture from a form, then I want to create a copy with a
smaller image.
For example: I upload a picture with dimensions 200x150 name 4.jpg. I also
want a copy of this image but with the dimensions 100x75 pixels. I've tried
this below, but I'm missing something I think... :-)
I'm using PHP 4.x (don't know exactly the vers.nr, but I can search for it
if it is of importance)
The code down below is a function for uploading a picture. The part I want
help with is after the comment: //What should/could I do here?
Best regards
Gustav Wiberg
function uploadPic($idUpload, $picUpload, $addUpload, $copyFile, $toPath) {
//Upload chosen file to upload-map (
if (strlen($_FILES[$picUpload]['name'])>0)
//ECHO "yes! ID=$idUpload PIC=$picUpload ADD=$addUpload<br>";
$uploaddir = dirname($_FILES[$picUpload]['tmp_name']) . "/";
//Replace .jpeg to .jpg
$_FILES[$picUpload]['name'] =
//Get first 4 last characters of uploaded filename
$ble = strtolower(substr($_FILES[$picUpload]['name'], -4, 4));
//Move to path $toPath (followed by what to add after file (that is sent
to this function)) and ext.)
$mfileAdd = $idUpload . $addUpload . $ble;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$picUpload]['tmp_name'], $toPath . $mfileAdd);
//echo "mfileAdd=$mfileAdd<br><br>";
//Set appropiate rights for file
//echo "FILE TO TEST=$mfileAdd";
chmod($toPath . $mfileAdd, intval('0755', 8));
//Copy this file to another file?
if (strlen($copyFile)>0) {
$mfile = $idUpload . $copyFile . $ble;
//echo "MFILE=$mfile";
copy($toPath . $mfileAdd, $toPath . $mfile);
chmod($toPath . $mfile, intval('0755', 8));
//What should/could I do here?
//Set new width and height
$new_width = 100;
$new_height = 200;
$tmp_image=imagecreatefromjpeg($toPath . $mfileAdd);
$width = imagesx($tmp_image);
$height = imagesy($tmp_image);
$new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width,$new_height);
ImageCopyResized($new_image, $tmp_image,0,0,0,0, $new_width,
$new_height, $width, $height);
//Grab new image
$image_buffer = ob_get_contents();
//Create temporary file and write to it
$fp = tmpfile();
fwrite($fp, $image_buffer);
//Upload new image
$copyTo = 'http://www.ledins.se/test.jpg';
$conn_id = ftp_connect('<domain>');
ftp_login($conn_id,'<username for domain>','<password>');
ftp_fput($conn_id, $copyTo, $fp, FTP_BINARY);
//Return the filename created based on productID
return $mfileAdd;
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