D. Dante Lorenso wrote:
I installed an extension via PECL and it seems to have plopped the
extension into it's own extension directory instead of the one in my
PHP.ini file.
> pecl install memcache
But my PHP.ini file says to use:
> grep extension_dir php.ini
extension_dir = "/www/webaps/phpext"
So, I'm guessing that pecl installs where it wants to install and just
ignores my php.ini settings?
I think that /usr/lib/php/... path comes from the php build and it
doesn't use the extension_dir in the php.ini file.
http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.dl.php tells how you it gets that
directory. Don't know why it doesn't use the extension_dir though.
Well, if I install a new extension, do I
still need to edit the php.ini by hand and tell PHP where to find it?
Think so :(
Since the newly installed memcache.so extension was placed into that
other directory '/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20050922/',
will PHP find it automatically? Is there an 'include and activate all
pecl-installed extensions' directive which is being run before or after
my INI settings?
It won't be found automatically.
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