Brad Bonkoski wrote:
Is there a way to key off of the data inserted? Like some unique value
or set of values that you can do a quick lookup before you
insert/update/delete again...
Or you could venture into an AJAX style of submission keyed off of a
button click then a refresh to a 'report' page, in which case no POST
variables are actually passed to the report page, so refreshing it will
just present the same data...
Jeff wrote:
Is there a way to prevent a re-posting of the form data when a user
pushes the "refresh" button on the browser?
To follow on from what Brad said - would it be possible to generate a
"key" as a hidden value when the form is created. The first time the
user submits the server checks if that unique code has ever been used
within the current session - if not, adds value. If so, ignores.
As a "unique" key you could use say timestamp plus random number.
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