May 2, 2006 RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC6 Download: The phpDocumentor team would like to announce the release of version 1.3.0RC6. This is the last release candidate of version 1.3.0, the first stable version to be released since 2004. The 1.3.0 series is a milestone, and 1.3.0RC6 demonstrates that amply. phpDocumentor is written by Gregory Beaver, Joshua Eichorn and others in PHP, and works by parsing PHP source code, and generating customizable documentation in HTML, PDF or windows help file formats. phpDocumentor is the premiere auto-documenting application for PHP. Used by giants of the industry such as Zend, ez Systems, and the standard auto-documentor of PEAR, the program is also bundled in popular IDEs such as Zend Development Environment, PHPEdit, and nuSphere phpEd. In version 1.3.0RC6, not only is stability at its highest level yet, but full support for PHP5 features has been implemented, including: - documenting classes that extend internal classes (like Exception) or implement internal interfaces using the Reflection extension. - userspace interfaces, abstract classes - access control (private/protected/public) - access modifiers (final/abstract/static) - class and array type hints To acquire phpDocumentor, either run: pear upgrade PhpDocumentor-beta or download your copy from and extract, following instructions in the INSTALL file. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: