D. Dante Lorenso wrote:
Gonzalo Monzón wrote:
Use Python, it is the way to go if you're willing to use mt :-)
I've already written the multi-threaded server using Java. I want to do
this in PHP, however, because the PHP "threads" can re-use PHP classes
I've already written and hence standardize on a single codebase and
language. Many other languages have threads (Java, C#, Python, Ruby,
etc) ... which is why I'm so amazed PHP does not even list Threads as a
priority. You simply can't be an enterprise language without these
basic features. Of course, don't get me started on namespaces too ;-)
oh yeah - threads really are basic. simple and easy to use, every
VB-scripter should be using them. btw Yahoo! seems to cope quite well without
threads in php - fairly 'enterprise' infrastructure and load they deal with no?
then again if threads are so basic for you - submit a patch that implements
them (and obviously fix any/all thread-safety issues in all extensions etc),
from what I gather that's a mammoth undertaking - given the limited
core developer resources, that is one of the reasons it's low priority, and then
ofcourse there is the php 'philosophy' about threads in general (of which
the php-internals mailing archive should be able to shed some light)
No, choosing a different language has been considered and I'd rather
continue with my hacked multi-process PHP server solution before I am
ready to change to a different language.
the beauty of choice. :-)
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