You're also better off embedding the parameters in the URL so that it
"looks like" a directory to the browser:
The PHP scritp is actual_script.
You can use .htaccess and ForceType to make Apache run it.
$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] will have all the parameters you need.
The embedded parameters pretty much give the browser NO opportunity to
screw up.
Far out ! -- I never saw .htaccess and ForceType used before. But it
works slick in dropping the extension of "program.php" to "program".
(Now if I can only get my editor to still treat the document as php,
but that's a different matter).
However, I don't see how I can generate a random number for a url
each time an image is needed and have .htaccess and ForceType make
Apache run it -- do I rewrite. htaccess each time, or what?
Also, $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] (or in my case
$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] ) gives me the path -- so how does that
fit in?
Please explain.
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