that said how often do you _really_ need a 1 or a 0,
Surprisingly enough, I need it quite often. Enough so that I keep an example nearby.
I'm assuming that the 1 or 0 are used to detemine an on/off state. is my assumption correct?
Mostly even/odd, this/that, right/left, on/off, up/down, se/nw sort of things. :-)
if so then take another good look at the way php autocasts variables, for instance tyr running this: $zero = 0; $one = 1; var_dump( (false == $zero), (true == $one), ((bool)$zero), ($zero & 1), ((bool)($zero & 1)), ((bool)$one), ($one & 1), ((bool)($one & 1)) );
That's very interesting, but being dyslexic, it's beyond me -- it looks like Halloween (lot's of boo's). That's one of the reasons why I don't use IF ELSE/IF -- I simply can't follow it. But I can always find a way around it's use.
Thanks for the code. tedd -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: