At 4:46 PM +1000 4/16/06, alex wrote:
hi everyone
i have delete a few entries in my database as they were entered for testing
purposes and are no longer need (actually 102 entries)... and even thought
that db is empty i noticed that when the next entry went in the id number
went to 103
not 0 so i was wondering is it possible to somehow reset the value to
it is of int type and auto_increment
i have a few db's which id like to reset to zero i have tried placing a zero
enrty after deleting the lot but it only jumps to its next increment.
does anyone know what i mean...?
any help will be grateful
regards alex
This always works for me in mySQLAdmin.
1. Delete the first record.
2. Reset the auto_increment to whatever you want.
3. Insert a record.
4. Delete that record.
After that, the next record will start at the new auto_increment.
Don't ask why, that's just the way it works.
If you want to reset the ID from within php, try this:
// Renumber the Existing 'id' Sequence
alter table $table_name
drop id,
add id int unsigned not null auto_increment first,
auto_increment = 1;
But, don't tell anyone that you did it AND especially don't tell
anyone I gave you the code. This is a big "no-no" as decreed by the
dB Gods and is seldom committed to written word. :-)
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