On Thu, April 13, 2006 10:21 am, Mad Unix wrote: > can you please send some interview questions for php > i have in few days to inteview some people. > > -- > madunix > Communications Engineering (RWTH Aachen University) > Systems and Network Engineer > MCSE, IBM AIX System Specialist, CCNP, CCSP(SECUR,CSVPN) Assuming any of that junk makes you technically competent in the first place... Which, frankly, with an MCSE leading them off, I have severe reservations... If you don't know PHP, then most of the decent questions we could send would have such complex answers that you wouldn't be able to compare the interviewee's answers to ours with any usefulness. I mean, a "simple" question like "Why should register_globals be turned off" requires quite a lot of study before you can understand it well enough to evaluate an answer. I'd guess ~70% of the readers on this list could not provide a correct, complete, cogent answer in an interview to the question, though many would have decent half-formed answers. You'll simply have to stumble along like everybody else looking at their portfolio and examining some of their source code and documentation to see what their work looks like. Presumably you can spot good code from bad, and see a well-designed software package and know it from utter junk, and review some documetation and see if it's at least organized well enough to be somewhat useful. If not, you're stuck with looking at how pretty their portfolio is and looking for buzzwords and big-name clients/employers in the past... Wow. Considering my own resume and portfolio, that's just a scary thought on several different levels and going all kinds of different directions. It DOES explain a few of the more clueless headhunters and interviewees I've had, though. :-) -- Like Music? http://l-i-e.com/artists.htm -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php