William Stokes wrote:
How can I hide error message when user enters to POST action form for first
time? I have a form for collecting and saving user data. In the code below
you can see that there are text messages for user info stored in $teksti
variables. At the end the $teksti is passed to function that displays the
message. Problem is that when user enters the page for firs time the
variables are empty and therefore basically the decisions made with variable
values result to error message at the first time.
Thanks for your advice
Here's code:
UserMessage ($teksti);
try something like:
if (isset($teksti) && $teksti) {
UserMessage ($teksti);
also note you check for the existance of the $_POST
superglobal to determine if the user actually submitted a post.
if (isset($_POST) && is_array($POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
// somebody submitted something from somewhere.
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