Dear all,
Not so simple question. Here's what I'm trying to do.
I want to be able to provide a simple script tag pair so that my
client's can cut and paste it into their site. This is to try and to
make it as simple as posisble for them ;-) The script is then meant
to write an iFrame into the document, using the served PHP file for
the source. So far, so good. Now for the tricky part.
I want the PHP file to include a pop-up menu which calls a script in
the calendar.js file, which in turn reloads (using replace so that
the back button doesn't break) the served page, but with an updated
parameter - essentially the new year and month to display.
Here are the bare bones of my not-quite-functioning solution. (I'm
using Firefox - once I get it working I realise I'll need to tweak
how I get the object to do the replace on, and indeed the replace
function itself for IE 5 etc...)
The alert is working (so the parameter is being passed), but the
reload isn't. What am I doing wrong?
Hope some passing geniuses out there can help/have cracked this one
**** example client.html file as follows:
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar.js"></script>
**** calendar.js file as follows:
document.write('<iframe id="calendarFrame" src="server.php">');
function reloadCalendar(yearMonth) {
var URL = 'server.php?yearmonth=' + yearMonth;
return false;
****server.php file as follows:
<form name="emailForm" id="emailForm" action="server.php">
<select name="yearmonth" onchange="top.reloadCalendar(this.value);">
<option value="2006-05">May 2006</option>
<option value="2006-06">Jun 2006</option>
<option value="2006-07">Jul 2006</option>
<?php $ym = $_REQUEST['yearmonth']; echo "show calendar for $ym"; ?>
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