user authentication

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i'm sure that it's a stupid question but i would like to have your feedback
on it.

i have MySQL  with 2 users in the "mysql" database which are root and
i suppose that what i see in the password field is the sha1 crypted

is it correct or not ?

but lets continue...
in fact, my web application should use a database named "immense".
in this database, there is a table named "profiles".
in this table, the login "uimmense" and its MD5 password are stored.

the problem is :
when i use mysql_connect('localhost','uimmense',myMD5password); to connect
to MySQL database system, the connection is refused because the MD5 password
does not correspond to what is saved into users table within mysql
database... :-(

here is my question :
all my users registered into my "immense" database, should be also
registered as users of MySQL database system ? (which is stored into "users"
table, into "mysql" database) ?

is it clear ?

i do not see really realistic if everytime that a new user is registered to
my application, i have to create him a profile for MySQL database.

thanks a lot,

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