Marvin, As much as we try to keep this list PHP-only I think it's hard to ignore the ties between PHP and MySQL. Most of us learned both technologies simultaneously. Still, you may want to put [OT] on your future email subjects to indicate that the question is 'off topic'. On the matter of MySQL's command line: From what I can see on it looks like when you download the Windows binaries you don't get the option of just downloading the client or just downloading the server - you are downloading both (someone correct me if I'm wrong) in the 'essentials' package. I'd imagine that when you run the installer it gives you an option to install the server / client packages. As long as you told the installer to give you the server and client both then you should be in good shape. All you should need to do is make sure that A) the MySQL binary (probably C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql) is in your PATH environment variable and that B) the server is running (which from the sounds of things, it is). If it's in your path you should be able to start the client shell by simply typing "mysql -u marvin -p" or similar. You also might check out MySQL's documentation on running MySQL from the command line in Windows Good luck! - Joe On 4/11/06, marvin hunkin <marvkin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi. > any mysql gurus out there using a tool called EasyPHP 1-8? > i am using a my sql tutorial, and says needs the command line interface, so > can run my sql commands from the dos prompt. > have got the PHP MYSQL ADMIM to load into the easy php 1-8, gui interface. > and when i type http://localhost/mysql/ it loads the browser, but would like > the command line interface for version 5.0 of the my sql databaser admin > server. > now if any good soul, who uses my sql, or my sql admin, or easy php, can > show me how to set up the command line interface for Easy Php 1-8, then let > me know. > have tried looking on the net, and looking in the documentation, and > folders, but cannot seem to set it up. > okay if any one can help me out, let me know. > cheers Marvin. > ps: need this info, as doing the tutorial towards the database assignment > for my course. > > -- > PHP General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > > -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: