Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Mace Eliason wrote:
I am having troubles adding 7 days to the current date. I have been
reading through php.net date() and this is what I have come up with
but it doesn't work
$today = date('m/d/Y');
$nextweek = date('m/d/Y',mktime(date("m"), date("d")+7, date("Y")));
if I echo the above variables they are the same? Shouldn't the
$nextweek be different?
You are thinking too much! ;)
$nextweek = date("m/d/Y",strtotime("+7 days"));
By the way, the reason your way isn't working is because you have your
arguments wrong. The first three arguments to mktime are hour, minute,
second, and since you are only printing the date you lose the fact that
you added 7 minutes. If you try your script just before midnight you
will notice the values are different.
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