2006-04-08 (토), 20:32 +1000, chris smith 쓰시길: > On 4/8/06, Ross <ross@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > > Does anyone know know of a good php image gallery? I want to generate the > > pages automatially from stored images. > > > > Please don't reply with 'search google under php gallery' or some other > > useless reply. I want someone to advise, who has used code either free or > > paid for that is decent and is easy use. > > There was a recent thread: > http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general&m=114439402126801&w=2 > > which lists a few. > > I use coppermine (coppermine.sf.net), gallery is pretty popular too > (gallery.sf.net). gallery is bug city. i ran 2 versions of it for a year to show pics of my familiy and it was down for most months of the year. it ran fine, actually, until an upgrade lost all my pictures. then, i found it again, and it wouldn't log me in. i don't know what i did to it to deserve that kind of treatment. just read the forum links on sourceforge. everybody is reporting some new and different error on the install alone. let alone running it. and it's a 10 MB download. the problem is it's overcoded. there are 36 developers listed. most projects have just a couple. coppermine is better coded. it's more straightforward. the integration is a pain, though, if you want to integrate with another user table from another application. just my 2cents -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php