php newbie having trouble going to list page

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I'm having trouble getting the correct results on a list page.

The first query is pulling the name of active authors from the d/b and linking to a list page that is supposed to return essay titles by the requested author. The list page however is displaying essay titles by all authors.

No doubt something is wrong with the where clause in the List page query. I've tried countless variations on the syntax for Author.ID = Author.ID without success.

Sorry for so basic a question.

author page query =

$query_GetAuthors = "SELECT Distinct Author.Autholr_Name, Author.ID, Writings.Writings_Author FROM Author, Writings
WHERE Author.Autholr_Name = Writings.Writings_Author and
	   Author.ID = Author.ID";

$GetAuthors = mysql_query($query_GetAuthors, $connDerbyTrail) or die (mysql_error());
$row_GetAuthors = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetAuthors);
$totalRows_GetAuthors = mysql_num_rows($GetAuthors);

author page link =
<a href="author.php?ID=<?php echo $row_GetAuthors['ID']; ?>"><?php echo $row_GetAuthors['Autholr_Name']; ?></a>

List page query =

$query_GetAuthorList = "SELECT Writings.Writings_Author, Writings.Writings_Title, DATE_FORMAT(Writings_Date, '%M %D, %Y') as Writings_Date, Writings.Writings_Text, Writings.ID, Author.Autholr_Name, Author.ID FROM Writings, Author
WHERE Writings.ID = Writings.ID AND
				Author.Autholr_Name = Writings.Writings_Author AND
				Author.ID = Author.ID
ORDER BY Writings.Writings_Date desc";

$GetAuthorList = mysql_query($query_GetAuthorList, $connDerbyTrail) or die(mysql_error());
$row_GetAuthorList = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetAuthorList);
$totalRows_GetAuthorList = mysql_num_rows($GetAuthorList);


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