Hi Tanner,
Here's a completely working piece of code that I got from my hosting
company. This looks like it does exactly what you want to do. I am
also including the output in the bottom of this e-mail.
** Class: num2str
** Description: This class converts a number into its corresponding
** text represenation.
** e.g., input: 1,001 => output: one thousand one
** Written By: Websulting (www dot websulting dot com)
** Copyright: You are free to use this script as you like. This
** script come with absolutely no guarantee. You must leave
** this copyright notice with this file.
** Report bugs to: contact at websulting dot com
class num2str {
var $one_a=array(
var $ten_a=array(
var $mil_a=array("thousand","million","billion","trillion");
// Method: convert
// Description: Convert the input number to string representation
function convert ($num) {
$triplets = preg_split('/,/',$num,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$length = count($triplets);
$plc_a= array();
for ($i=0;$i<$length;$i++) {$plc_a[$i]=$this->tonum($triplets[$i]);}
$rval = "";
foreach ($plc_a as $k) {
if ($k == "") {$length--;continue;}
$rval .= "$k ". $this->getplace($length--). " ";
return $rval;
// Method: getplace
// Description: Get the place of the digits.
function getplace($i) {
return $this->mil_a[$i-2];
// Method: tonum
// Description: Convert the individual set to text
function tonum ($num) {
$len = strlen($num);
switch ($len) {
case 3:
if (substr($num,1,2) <=19) {
return $this->one_a[substr($num,0,1)-1].
(substr($num,0,1)==0 ? "" : " hundred ").
return $this->one_a[substr($num,0,1)-1] .
(substr($num,0,1)==0 ? "" : " hundred ").
$this->ten_a[substr($num,1,1)-1]." ".
case 2:
if (substr($num,0,2) <=19) {
return $this->one_a[substr($num,0,2)-1];
return $this->ten_a[substr($num,0,1)-1]." ".
case 1:
return $this->one_a[substr($num,0,1)-1];
//End of class num2str
$obj = new num2str();
foreach (array("1,121","121","1,000,010,000,321","1,109,019,000,321",
"100","70","10","15","5") as $num) {
print "[$num] => " . $obj->convert($num)."\n";
[1,121] => one thousand one hundred twenty one
[121] => one hundred twenty one
[1,000,010,000,321] => one trillion ten million three hundred twenty one
[1,109,019,000,321] => one trillion one hundred nine billion ninteen
million three hundred twenty one
[100] => one hundred
[70] => seventy
[10] => ten
[15] => fifteen
[5] => five
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