Andrew Darrow wrote:
I'm having a problem setting the return-path using the mail function. I seem to be able to modify any of the other header information I want, but not this one item.
Here's my code:
$headers = "Return-Path: Test <test@xxxxxxxx>\r\n" .
"From: Test <test@xxxxxxxx>\r\n" .
"Reply-To: Test <test@xxxxxxxx>\r\n";
$sub="Test sub";
$msg="Test msg";
mail($to, $sub, $msg, $headers, '-f test@xxxxxxxx');
No space between -f and the email.
I assume your host doesn't have safe-mode on? (You can't use this method
if so).
Check a phpinfo page and look for:
If that's set, this way won't do it either, you'll need to do:
$orig_sendmail_from = ini_get('sendmail_from');
// this should match what phpinfo tells you but replace the email. so
might be '-f'.$return_path
ini_set('sendmail_from', $return_path);
mail($to, $sub, $msg, $headers);
and leave off the last parameter.
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