David Tulloh wrote:
You want to use sessions, they allow you to store information such as
login details between requests.
Have a look at a simple tutorial, like this Zend one.
News1 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback -- I will try to be clearer.
Yes, I want to login into a web page and from there get to another webpage.
The webcams are on my network. I can access them directly; however, I would
like to create a page where several are visible at once. So, I would like
to be able to log into a "master" page, if you will, and from there be able
to access multiple webcam web pages from this "master" page. Right now I
can do it, but I have to authenticate for each webcam I access. Since I am
using authentication to access the "master" page, I would like to skip this
step for the webcams and be able to access them directly and automatically
pass the username/password credentials.
Thanks again! I hope this is clearer.
So every "webcam page" has its own authentication?
Probably you should use fopen or fsockopen then.
Probably somone can tell how to access HTTP auth sites with php?
GET /pathto/webcam HTTP 1.0
Authantication: Basic
and then?
Password: ?? or what ^^
HTH and thanks if others can post the last info on how to auth via php.
I also like to know that lol ^^
Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
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