I have a block of XML that looks as follows:
<name><*_~_*> Røyken VGS <*_~_*></name>
Now, if I run that block of XML through htmlentities, I will get the
<name><*_!_*> Røyken VGS <*_~_*></name>
XML parsers will return a problem, as there is both an unclosed tag and
an invalid tag, in two places no less (however the error will occur on
the first "tag".
In order for this particular XML file to parse properly, I -must- run
html_entity_decode. This causes quite the predicament as if I were to
then run htmlentities() on this portion of the file, it would produce
quite a bit of chaos.
My question is, can I in any way efficiently (i -stress- efficiently, if
anyone read my previous XML and special characters post its a rather
large XMl file (breaking 18mb now) and speed is of the essence) cause
html_entity_decode to not decode those tags?
Or any other way would be nice too, I'm pretty much open to anything...
as long as it doesnt severely hurt the efficiency of the script.
(I discovered the error of my ways in the previous problem btw, having a
doctype helps... me == brainded in that :s)
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