is it possible that you are only allowing a single connection (or a number of
them) and that when apache comes up it's child processes eat up all the
[persistent?] connections so that there are none left for any other process?
HENCHOZ Daniel wrote:
I've installed a SUN server under Solaris 9 with Apache 2.0.55, PHP
5.1.1, Informix 9.40.UC6, Informix Client SDK 2.90.UC3, Informix
Webdatablade 4.13.UC3. Now I try to get information from the Informix
database via a PHP ifx_connect function and on the same apache server
using the Informix webdatablade tool (old pages not yet migrated ...).
The php and informix modules are loaded in the apache httpd.conf :
#IBM Informix Web DataBlade DSO Module Added
LoadModule informix_module
# Load the necessary PHP modules
LoadModule php5_module modules/
I'm not able to have php and webdatablade connections to informix work
together ...
Case 1:
If I load the informix module first in the httpd.conf file the php ifx
functions doesn't work and I get the following incomplete error message :
*Warning*: ifx_connect() [function.ifx-connect
<>]: E [SQLSTATE= in
*/d3/apache2/wwwdbdev/php-dhz/testifmx.php* on line *3*
*Warning*: ifx_query(): supplied argument is not a valid Informix link
resource in */d3/apache2/wwwdbdev/php-dhz/testifmx.php* on line *4*
*Warning*: printf() [function.printf
<>]: Too few arguments in
*/d3/apache2/wwwdbdev/php-dhz/testifmx.php* on line *7*
The php script is below :
$ConnId = ifx_connect ("aaaa@bbbbb","xxxxxx","xxxxxx");
$ResId = ifx_query ("SELECT * FROM dhtable", $ConnId);
if (! $ResId) {
printf("Can't select names : %s\n<br />%s<br />\n", ifx_error());
ifx_htmltbl_result($ResId, "border=\"1\"");
On the other hand the webdatablade connection works normally ...
Case 2:
If I load the php module before the informix module in the httpd.conf
file, the php ifx_connect function works correctly, but now the
wedatablade connection fails (never answer) ....
I need the two ways to connect to the database, since we actually still
use both .... I've asked IBM for a solution, but they propose me to
submit this problem to PHP people since IBM didn't develop the ifx
functions to connect to the informix database via PHP.
Any help would be appreciated !
Best regards
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