Hi all,
ok, I want to re-post this so that more people might see it, cause there
has to be an answer somewhere...
When using the GCI version of PHP with apache, I need to be able to set
some of the php_admin_values that normally get set in the php.ini file
on the fly...
Since I am not using mod_php, the solutions already given to me of
setting php_admin_values in <Directory> sections or .htaccess files
simply doesn't work, cause apache doesn't have any idea what they are.
I am trying to avoid having to have separate php.ini files for every
virtual host, as I only want to set a few convenience parameters.
Besides PHPRC, does the CGI version of the PHP binary read in any other
environment variables ? Cause it would be easy enough to set an
environment variable to be passed to PHP for those settings.
There's got to be someone out there that has done this, or wants to do
this. I'm tempted to start looking at the code base and seeing if a
simple patch will allow me to do that, but I want to make sure I'm not
missing anything...
Any PHP Guru's out there ???
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