I have been writing a script in php for secure email gunpg. The script requires writing a file to the server for encryption. The problem i am facing is the permissions. After php writes the file it becomes read only so gpg can't encrypted it or rewrite it. I'm not sure which.. this is the permissions i am getting from the file that is created on the server. -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody. Since the file is created dynamicly, how does one set the permission using php? Does anybody have any suggestions or a code snippet that may help? I have tried to change the permissions on the server and the user groups using chmod and chgrp but that doesnt work. The tech at my hosting company suggested a cgi script. Is their a workaround for this? Thanks for the help, zedleon Here is the code I have presently. <? $time = time(); $msg = "Sender's Full Name:\t$sender_name\n"; $msg .= "Sender's E-Mail:\t$sender_email\n"; $msg .= "Secret Message?\t$secret_msg\n\n"; putenv("GNUPGHOME=/home/path/.gnupg"); $clear = "/home/path/temp/input/data"; $clear .= "$time"; $crypted = "/home/path/temp/output/data"; $crypted .= "$time"; $fp = fopen("$clear", "w+"); fputs($fp, $msg); fclose($fp); system("/usr/bin/gpg -r my name <myemail@xxxxxxxxxxx>' -o $crypted -a $clear"); unlink("$clear"); $fd = fopen($crypted, "r"); $mail_cont = fread($fd, filesize($crypted)); fclose($fd); unlink("$crypted"); $recipient = "myemail@xxxxxxxxxxx"; $subject = "GnuPG Test"; $mailheaders = "From: www.mywebsite.com <\"\">\n"; $mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $sender_email\n\n"; mail("$recipient", "$subject", $mail_cont, $mailheaders); echo "<H1 align=center>Thank You, $sender_name</h1>"; echo "<p align=center>Your message has been sent.</p>"; ?> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php