One of the problems I have had with the PHP session system is that it does not use a readily usable text format for serializing data. This makes using session data outside of PHP virtually impossible. I looked at the WDDX extension and was not too impressed: it was way too verbose and didn't use variable names as task. It used the data type as a tag and the variable name as a tag attribute. XMLDBX uses the variable name as a tag as long as the variable name is valid within an XML tag. It uses attributes to declare the variable type and meta information. XMLDBX also tries to conserve space in its format by using single tag elements, i.e. "<VARNAME t='n' v='100' />" instead of "<VARNAME type="int">100</VARNAME>." Both are parsable by expat. The intent of XMLDBX is to use a documented serialize format within a database like PostgreSQL and use functions to extract specific elements. For instance: select XMLDBX_Extract(pgcolumn, 'varname') from pgtable; or select XMLDBX_Extract(pgcolumn, 'class.subclass.varname') from pgtable; Anyone interested? The extension is at under "CVS Access" -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: