Chris Shiflett wrote:
Mathijs wrote:
How can i add more callback_outputs to ob_start?
I want to have both: ob_start('switchContent');
and: ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
I don't think you can, but you could have a single function that calls
both, then specify that function in ob_start().
I think you can by simply stacking multiple output buffers on top
of each other:
ob_start('switchContent'); // first buffer, for first callback
ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); // second buffer, for second callback
take care to define the handlers in the 'right' order
(the order that they are run in may be important to your output/code)
// rest of code.
I implemented a class once that stacks a list of callbacks
which could then all be run by its callback handler, psuedo-code:
class CB
private static $cbs = array();
public static function addCB($cb)
if (is_callable($cb)) {
self::$cbs[] = $cb;
public static function run($data)
foreach (self::$cbs as $cb) {
$data = call_user_func($cb, $data);
return $data;
ob_start( array('CB','run') );
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