I've got a script that checks a directory's permissions for 757 and if they are not correct, chmods them with a cgi script.
That part works just fine. Can alternately switch the permissions from 755 to 757 and back. I can use a ftp utility to
check the permissions and they are correct.
The mystery is that I have a permissions check following the chmod and it reports the permissions that existed before
the change.
include "http://$server/cgi-bin/chg_perms.cgi?name=$fp_name&perms=$fperms"; //e.g., $fperms= 0757;
[I've tried sleep(10) here; doesn't help]
echo "Directory permissions for $dirname: ". substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($dirname)), -3). " //reports 0755;
If I run the script again with the same permissions, the report shows the correct permissions.
It's as if permissions check code is executed before the chmod; but it isn't. I've tried echoed the times for the chmod
code and the permissions check and the chmod code is definitely before the permissions check.
Anyone have an explanation.?
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